Come join us for a multicultural service. We come together to meet with the Lord, through worship and praise and the preaching of God's Word.
Sunday Service
Service starts promptly at 10:30 am. We start with a powerful time of praise and worship that bring us into the presence of God. This allows us to prepare our hearts to receive the Word of the Lord.
The Word of God has the power to change lives, to deliver, to heal, if we will only believe.
So come and join us this Sounday.

​To inquire about any of our services
Sunday School
Sunday school is provided for children during the preaching portion of the service. The children are taught the Word of God so that they can understand it.
This is done through projects, songs, and many other ways, so they can know and understand Gods truths.
​To inquire about any of our services
300 Club
​We believe the church, you and I, are responsible to evangelize all nations. (Mark 16:15; John 4:35-37)
We are looking for 300 people who will commit to $20.00 a month. Like the story of Gideon and the 300. Together we can continue to reach 25,000 people a week throughout Alaska. For many of the areas this is the only way they receive God's word.
We also have our two Youtube channels that reach worldwide.
Outreach Programs
​We believe the church, you and I are responsible to evangelize all nations. (Mark 16:15; John 4:35-37)
We do this through reaching out to our community by helping with local programs.
We also have two TV programs which air five times a week. Along with our two Youtube channels.
​To inquire about any of our services